Launch Landing Page

Create a home for your DataDAO with a sick landing page! Remember, design and brand super important. What is your story? And how are you communicating it?

Need help? Apply to our next X-Team Cohort for web design and brand support.

Get your landing page featured on the Vana Website by submitting it below:

Submit For A Feature!

Launch Validators

Validators are the worker bees of your DataDAO, ensuring that your data is high quality and protecting your DAO from attack.  It's time to start onboarding them and making sure your network works!

Need Validators? We got you. Apply to our next X-Team Cohort for access to our secure validator network.


Build Community

The strength of your community will determine the success of your DataDAO.  Whether you decide to build it on X/Twitter, Discord, Telegram, or anywhere else, it's important to start building it early, with intentional content and activities.

Need a boost? You can bootstrap your community atop Vana's by applying to the next X-Team Cohort.

Get your community featured in Vana's twitter or discord by sharing a link:

Submit For A Feature!


Congratulations!! By now you should be ready for launch!! Here's a short launch checklist to make sure you have all bases covered.

Need help? Apply to our next X-Team Cohort for launch support.

Let us know when you'll be launching by sharing your landing page and projected launch date so that we can promote your launch:

Submit For A Feature!
Need help? Join the community for support

Transaction hash

Paste the transaction hash below to verify

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