Setup Moksha Network

Start by setting up your developer environment on the Moksha Network

Follow these instructions to add Moksha Testnet your wallet:

Enter hash

Setup Dependencies

Before you build your Data DAO, you need to setup project dependencies and vanacli.

Follow these instructions to add Satori Testnet your wallet:

  • Read setup docs

  • Click "verify" below once you are finished.


Setup DAO Wallets

Prepare your Data DAO wallets by following these steps.

Follow these instructions to add Satori Testnet your wallet:

Enter hash

Deploy DataDAO Smart Contract

To deploy your first DataDAO Smart Contract on Vana!

Follow these instructions to add Satori Testnet your wallet:

  • Install hardhat:

  • Clone the DLP Smart Contract Repo:

  • Install dependencies (yarn install)

  • Create an .env file for the smart contract repo. You will need the owner address and private key.

  • Deploy smart contract

  • Copy + Paste your transaction hash below to verify:

Enter hash
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Transaction hash

Paste the transaction hash below to verify

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